Backstage is where all the magic happens... Upon being given access we can conduct various checks on the back end of the website. There are many scenarios and reasons why code may be duplicated, rushed and cause issues however they are never acceptable.
At Skrootiny we are determined to eradicate this and therefore will carry out multiple checks on the factors that make up the backend of a website.
Coding Style.
We will look at various aspects of the programming language style. For example, we will look at how the code is implemented, does it use more processing power than is really required, is there elements that are declared and never used, is it fit for purpose or even too much for what is really needed, are there elements in the development that would mean changes in the future would take longer than it should, has it been developed using a pre-built system/cms that could cause issues.
Function Calls
Most development languages utilise functions and procedures, these are chunks of code which can be reused without writing many lines every time. We will run through the code to check that where possible and identified, functions are being used effectively.
SQL Queries Efficiency
One Good SQL Query can be worth 100 individual queries. We will look at the actual queries being made on the database and determine if they are being efficient in the way they are dealing with the data.
Code Duplication
There is no reason to keep repeating lines of code, it slows down the processing speed of a page, makes files larger and makes changes quite messy. There is always a risk that if you change it in one place, it gets forgotten about somewhere else. We will look for common occurrences of code duplication and suggest ways to improve.
Database Structure
Your website is powered by a database, one of the most powerful organisational structures available. But has it been developed correctly.. missing index's, incorrect keys, poor relationships and even badly selected systems can all have an effect on the performance of the system and can lead to data corruption. We will look at the structure of the database to spot any potential flaws.
We will take a number of pages to evaluate in order to get the widest understanding of how your current development has been completed. Once we have completed our verification process we will produce a report which will outline all our findings and any recommendations we have to overcome these. This will give you the information you need to become more stable, secure and effective for your users and your business in the long run. You should simply be able to provide this information to your current development company and get them to put right what should have been done in the first place and make sure they understand that you are using Skrootiny so any future work must be of good quality. If you feel that you no longer want to continue with your company after the findings we are of course on hand to help you with our response packages and development services.